About Me

Hello! My name is Tony Marino. I am an aspiring engineer living in Providence, Rhode Island and I enjoy learning about  new and old technology.

I hope one day to work in the field of Mechatronics designing robots and/or active prothesis. I currently am employed as a Technical Services and Support Engineer at OTEC Precision Finishing Solutions and also do some small-electronics repair and drone photography on the side. 

I am currently enrolled at the Community College of Rhode Island and am making steady progress towards earning a second associates degree in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Previously, I have worked as a Technology Specialist, Computer Technician, IT Department Intern, and an Electrical Engineering Intern. I have also worked in the service industry from bartending at fine dining events all the way to a cashiering at a pizza joint. 

I actively purse expanding my knowledge of all things technical and try to document said pursuits in my projects log. I also have produced a few videos on my YouTube page related to said projects.

I also am an avid billiards player, bowler, enjoy collecting/playing retro video games, and am a movie buff.